Computer forensic science



DHA specializes in setting up cyber forensic labs for law enforcement agencies who are interested in performing the analysis of data in computer environment and various handheld devices. DHA provides full solution from hardware and software delivery, training, implementation and in assisted case management. DHA also provides services for developing methods and documents for carrying out various investigative tasks. The solution delivered by our company includes: 

1. Computer Forensics - software and hardware for forensic analysis of data in computer. This also includes accessories for data acquisition and data duplication in secure manner. The system can carry out free text search, recover damaged or deleted files, analyse images and various historical user activities.


2. Smartphone Forensics- Software and hardware for forensic analysis of data in various handheld, cellphone and smartphone devices. It supports multiple mobile operating system platform. Also includes system for analysis of SIM cards.




3. Supported Toolkit - Password breaking tools for popular files format, steganography detection tools, hardware blockers, disk wipers and other accessories required in a forensic lab environment. It is imperative that evidence be collected by computer forensic experts that follow forensically sound processes to ensure that the resulting digital evidence withstands legal scrutiny. Paladion provides turn key solution for setting up forensic labs with all processes and training.



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DHA Investment and Technology Company Ltd.,

Registration Office : No 46 Lot F2 Dai Kim Dinh Cong Newtown, Hoang Mai Dist, Hanoi, Vietnam
Representative Office : R1202, Block A, Goldenland Building, 275 Nguyen Trai Str., Thanh Xuan Dist., Hanoi, Vietnam
+84 024 7305 3389